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Discurso No. 2
Courtesy of Espacio Aglutinador, Havana.
Born Guantánamo 1961; live in Havana.
1983- San Alejandro Academy of Art. Havana
1988- Workshop of photograph with Luis Camnitzer. Fototeca. Havana
Prizes and residences
1998- Artist in residence. Superior Institute of Design. Basel. Switzerland
1997- Artist in residence. Art in General and Longwood Arts Project / Bronx Council on the Arts. New York. US.
1995- Juan Fransisco Elso Padilla, National Event of Cuban Contemporary painting. National Museum of Fine Art. Havana
Performances and videos
2006 “White on white, Absolut Malevich” happening. Alternative exhibition with other artists, Luis Trápaga’s hause.
2003-2004 “…and mountains the brigade’s man” with René Quintana, “Don’t call it performances” project. Museo del Barrio New York. Párraga Center, Murcia, Spain. Reina Sofía Contemporary Art Museum. Madrid. Spain. Andaluz Contemporary Art Center, Sevilla. Domus Artium, Salamanca, Spain. Konceptkonstmuseum, Rydboholm, Suecia.
2001 “Close Up” with René Quintana. Kunsthalles Brandts. III International Performances Festival. Odense. Denmark.
2000 “San Isidro” Intervention in the San Isidro town. Project: “ One window to Venus”. VII Havana Biennial.
“Palatino” with René Quintana. Palatino Coffee bar. Cienfuegos Performances Festival. Cuba.
“I would not believe” with René Quintana. Performance-performance. Aglutinador Space. Havana.
“One way” with René Quintana. Video-performance. Havana.
1999 “Forever” II Performances Festival. Pabellón Cuba. Havana
1998 “100 sentences”, Stadthaus Zurich, Switzerland.
“All the way to home” with Ezequiel Suárez, Museé des Beaux-Arts,
La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland.
“Reviva la Revoltaire” (Collective action with Cubans artists in Spiegelgasse1, Cabaret Voltaire, Zurich.
1996 “Salomón with me” Aglutinador Space. Havana
1994 “Cleaner- woman” Luz y Oficios Center. V Biennial of Havana.
Solo Exhibitions
2006 “Aglutinador, Aglutinador, Aglutinador”, Aglutinador Space, Havana.
2004 “No pensamiento”, Arte, sol y mar Gallery. Varadero. Cuba
2002 “Dreaming my dreams”, Aglutinador Space Havana. Cuba
2000 “Adorado Wölfli”, Aglutinador Space. Havana.
1998 “Mansas porciones”, (with Lidzie Alviza,) Aglutinador Space. Havana.
1997- “Clínica, Los ángeles”, Art in General, New York.
“La expresión sicógena,” Access Gallery, Vancouver, Canadá
1996- “La expresión sicógena”, Visual Art Center / National Museum of Fine Art. Havana.
1995- “Dónde esta Loló”, Wifredo Lam Center. Havana.
1994- “Arte Degenerado en la era del mercado” (with Ezequiel Suárez). V Biennial of Havana “Aglutinador” Space.
1993- “Absolut Jawlensky”, Havana Gallery. Havana.
1992- “La bestia y la bestia” Havana Gallery. Havana
1989- “La Bella y la Bestia”, Royal Force Castle Project. Havana.
1987- “Beta”(with José Forte), Napoleonic Museum, Havana.
1986 -“Paisajes y Paradojas”, 12 and 23 Art Center. Havana
1985- “Diálogo de Sandra y Manuel Vidal”, (with Manuel Vidal) L Gallery. Havana.
Group Exhibitions
2009- “Maluarte cubano” Xoho Galery. “Perra subasta”, Aglutinador Space, Havana, Cuba.
2008- “We are porno, sí” Aglutinador Space. Havana Cuba
2003 Arco Fair, Madrid, Spain. “What?”. VIII Havana Biennal. Aglutinador Space. Havana, Cuba.
2002 FAIR, Royal College of Art, London. UK.
“La huella múltiple” Fototeca de Cuba. Havana.
2001 “Contemporary Cubans Art”. Metropolitan Cultural Center. Quito, Ecuador .
“New Cuban art in Hamburg” ElbAtr. International Art Fair of Hamburg.
Kuns Ausstellung. Germany. “
2000 47 International Event of picture,
“Bordes inasibles. Diálogos acerca del cuerpo” Cajastur Cultural Center, Revillagigedo Palace. Gijón. Spain.
“The end drawing of the century” René Portocarrero Gallery. Cuban National Theatre. Project:
“One window to Venus” VII Havana Biennial.
1999 “La huella múltiple”, Visual Art Center, Havana.
“1990’s Art from Cuba”, Luz y Oficios Center.Habana.
“While Cuba Waits”, Track 16 Gallery, Bergamot Station, Los Angeles. California.
1998 “La dirección de la mirada”, Stadthaus Zurich, Museé des Beaux-Arts La Chaux-de Fonds, Swizerland.
1997 “Una miseria temporal”. VI Havana Biennal, “Aglutinador” Space, Havana.
“Territorios Utópicos : nuevo arte de Cuba”, Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, Vancouver. Canadá.
“Memorias íntimas, marcas”, Johannesburg. South Africa.
“1990’s Art from Cuba”. Hall walls Contemporary Arts Center, Buffalo, NY, EU.
1996 Feria de Arco, Madrid, Spain. V International Biennial of painting, Cuenca, Ecuador.
1995 Juan Francisco Elso Padilla, National Event of contemporary Cuban painting. National Museum of fine art. Havana.
II Bienal de Pintura del Caribe y Centroamerica, Contemporary Art Museum. Dominican Republic.
“Ahora mismo,” Contemporary art of Cuba, University of Florida, Gainesville.
I Contemporary Art Event, National Museum of fine Art. Havana. Cuba
1993 I International Biennial of print, Maastricht Exhibition Congress Center, Netherlands
1992 Universal Exhibition Seville 92, Spain.
“La Década Prodigiosa”, Chopo’s Museum, Mexico.
VIII Hispano-American Biennial of Art. Carrillo Gil Museum. DF. Mexico.
“Una nueva mirada al Caribe”, Space Carpeaux, Paris, France.
1991 “Nacido en Cuba”, Carabobo University, Valencia. Venezuela.
1990 “El objeto esculturado”, Visual Art Center. Havana.
1989 IV Havana Biennial , Casa de las Américas, Havana.
“La Habana en Madrid”, Cultural Center of the Madrid city, Spain.
1988 “Creadoras Cubanas” , National Museum of Fine Art. Havana .
“No por mucho madrugar...”, Fototeca de Cuba, Havana.
“No es sólo lo que ves”, Havana University.
“Jóvenes artistas cubanos”, Massashussets College of Art, Boston
1985 II Textil Art Event, Modern Museum of Art. Michoacán, Morelia/ Carrillo Gil Museum, México.
Courtesy of Espacio Aglutinador, Havana.
Born Guantánamo 1961; live in Havana.
1983- San Alejandro Academy of Art. Havana
1988- Workshop of photograph with Luis Camnitzer. Fototeca. Havana
Prizes and residences
1998- Artist in residence. Superior Institute of Design. Basel. Switzerland
1997- Artist in residence. Art in General and Longwood Arts Project / Bronx Council on the Arts. New York. US.
1995- Juan Fransisco Elso Padilla, National Event of Cuban Contemporary painting. National Museum of Fine Art. Havana
Performances and videos
2006 “White on white, Absolut Malevich” happening. Alternative exhibition with other artists, Luis Trápaga’s hause.
2003-2004 “…and mountains the brigade’s man” with René Quintana, “Don’t call it performances” project. Museo del Barrio New York. Párraga Center, Murcia, Spain. Reina Sofía Contemporary Art Museum. Madrid. Spain. Andaluz Contemporary Art Center, Sevilla. Domus Artium, Salamanca, Spain. Konceptkonstmuseum, Rydboholm, Suecia.
2001 “Close Up” with René Quintana. Kunsthalles Brandts. III International Performances Festival. Odense. Denmark.
2000 “San Isidro” Intervention in the San Isidro town. Project: “ One window to Venus”. VII Havana Biennial.
“Palatino” with René Quintana. Palatino Coffee bar. Cienfuegos Performances Festival. Cuba.
“I would not believe” with René Quintana. Performance-performance. Aglutinador Space. Havana.
“One way” with René Quintana. Video-performance. Havana.
1999 “Forever” II Performances Festival. Pabellón Cuba. Havana
1998 “100 sentences”, Stadthaus Zurich, Switzerland.
“All the way to home” with Ezequiel Suárez, Museé des Beaux-Arts,
La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland.
“Reviva la Revoltaire” (Collective action with Cubans artists in Spiegelgasse1, Cabaret Voltaire, Zurich.
1996 “Salomón with me” Aglutinador Space. Havana
1994 “Cleaner- woman” Luz y Oficios Center. V Biennial of Havana.
Solo Exhibitions
2006 “Aglutinador, Aglutinador, Aglutinador”, Aglutinador Space, Havana.
2004 “No pensamiento”, Arte, sol y mar Gallery. Varadero. Cuba
2002 “Dreaming my dreams”, Aglutinador Space Havana. Cuba
2000 “Adorado Wölfli”, Aglutinador Space. Havana.
1998 “Mansas porciones”, (with Lidzie Alviza,) Aglutinador Space. Havana.
1997- “Clínica, Los ángeles”, Art in General, New York.
“La expresión sicógena,” Access Gallery, Vancouver, Canadá
1996- “La expresión sicógena”, Visual Art Center / National Museum of Fine Art. Havana.
1995- “Dónde esta Loló”, Wifredo Lam Center. Havana.
1994- “Arte Degenerado en la era del mercado” (with Ezequiel Suárez). V Biennial of Havana “Aglutinador” Space.
1993- “Absolut Jawlensky”, Havana Gallery. Havana.
1992- “La bestia y la bestia” Havana Gallery. Havana
1989- “La Bella y la Bestia”, Royal Force Castle Project. Havana.
1987- “Beta”(with José Forte), Napoleonic Museum, Havana.
1986 -“Paisajes y Paradojas”, 12 and 23 Art Center. Havana
1985- “Diálogo de Sandra y Manuel Vidal”, (with Manuel Vidal) L Gallery. Havana.
Group Exhibitions
2009- “Maluarte cubano” Xoho Galery. “Perra subasta”, Aglutinador Space, Havana, Cuba.
2008- “We are porno, sí” Aglutinador Space. Havana Cuba
2003 Arco Fair, Madrid, Spain. “What?”. VIII Havana Biennal. Aglutinador Space. Havana, Cuba.
2002 FAIR, Royal College of Art, London. UK.
“La huella múltiple” Fototeca de Cuba. Havana.
2001 “Contemporary Cubans Art”. Metropolitan Cultural Center. Quito, Ecuador .
“New Cuban art in Hamburg” ElbAtr. International Art Fair of Hamburg.
Kuns Ausstellung. Germany. “
2000 47 International Event of picture,
“Bordes inasibles. Diálogos acerca del cuerpo” Cajastur Cultural Center, Revillagigedo Palace. Gijón. Spain.
“The end drawing of the century” René Portocarrero Gallery. Cuban National Theatre. Project:
“One window to Venus” VII Havana Biennial.
1999 “La huella múltiple”, Visual Art Center, Havana.
“1990’s Art from Cuba”, Luz y Oficios Center.Habana.
“While Cuba Waits”, Track 16 Gallery, Bergamot Station, Los Angeles. California.
1998 “La dirección de la mirada”, Stadthaus Zurich, Museé des Beaux-Arts La Chaux-de Fonds, Swizerland.
1997 “Una miseria temporal”. VI Havana Biennal, “Aglutinador” Space, Havana.
“Territorios Utópicos : nuevo arte de Cuba”, Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, Vancouver. Canadá.
“Memorias íntimas, marcas”, Johannesburg. South Africa.
“1990’s Art from Cuba”. Hall walls Contemporary Arts Center, Buffalo, NY, EU.
1996 Feria de Arco, Madrid, Spain. V International Biennial of painting, Cuenca, Ecuador.
1995 Juan Francisco Elso Padilla, National Event of contemporary Cuban painting. National Museum of fine art. Havana.
II Bienal de Pintura del Caribe y Centroamerica, Contemporary Art Museum. Dominican Republic.
“Ahora mismo,” Contemporary art of Cuba, University of Florida, Gainesville.
I Contemporary Art Event, National Museum of fine Art. Havana. Cuba
1993 I International Biennial of print, Maastricht Exhibition Congress Center, Netherlands
1992 Universal Exhibition Seville 92, Spain.
“La Década Prodigiosa”, Chopo’s Museum, Mexico.
VIII Hispano-American Biennial of Art. Carrillo Gil Museum. DF. Mexico.
“Una nueva mirada al Caribe”, Space Carpeaux, Paris, France.
1991 “Nacido en Cuba”, Carabobo University, Valencia. Venezuela.
1990 “El objeto esculturado”, Visual Art Center. Havana.
1989 IV Havana Biennial , Casa de las Américas, Havana.
“La Habana en Madrid”, Cultural Center of the Madrid city, Spain.
1988 “Creadoras Cubanas” , National Museum of Fine Art. Havana .
“No por mucho madrugar...”, Fototeca de Cuba, Havana.
“No es sólo lo que ves”, Havana University.
“Jóvenes artistas cubanos”, Massashussets College of Art, Boston
1985 II Textil Art Event, Modern Museum of Art. Michoacán, Morelia/ Carrillo Gil Museum, México.